Check and balances are the various to set the place reduce mistake and behavior risk of the power.
Step-by-step explanation:
Check and balances to contain the ensure to the department control over decisions and task, check and balance is used the context of the government.
- Check and balance is to perform the judicial, executive and legislative branch, and these are handled by the government.
- Check and balances are the important to the organization and decision to the operations affect.
- Check and balance ensure o to the business and other define role and to improve the internal control in a business.
- Check and balance to contain the legislative branch is perform to the part of that government to make and made laws, .
- Check and balance to contain the executive branch can perform to the veto power of the president.
- Check and balance to contain the judicial branch is to perform the check legislative branch and executive branch.
- Check and balance to perform that ensure to the president cannot use the power against the government and to the personal gain.
- Check and balances to government to provide the power that branch and analysis to the government and the power of the federal.