(a) ensuring that a system is accessible when needed
(b) defining risk associated with a subject accessing an object
(c) ensuring that a system is not changed by a subject that is not authorized to do so
(d) ensuring that the right information is seen only by subjects that are authorized to see it
(c) Ensuring that a system is not changed by a subject that is not authorized to do so.
Step-by-step explanation:
Access control simply means controlling who accesses a particular data by putting necessary measures in place. The vital components of access control are explained briefly as follows:
Confidentiality: This refers to ensuring that sensitive information are getting to the right people and the right people only. Confidentiality ensures that data or information are getting to those that they are intended. Examples of sensitive information that require confidentiality are
i. Credit card details
ii. Passwords
Integrity: This refers to ensuring that the quality, consistency, accuracy and trustworthiness of an information does not change throughout its time.
It makes sure that data remains the same over a long period of time and in the event that it will be changed, it is not changed by unauthorized subject.
Availability: Just as the name implies, ensures that the data or information is available any time it is needed.