The hair of the body of wool yielding animals traps a lot of air spaces between the fibres. Since air is a poor conductor of heat this helps to keep us warm in winter season that's why woollen clothes are worn in winter.
- Mainly the wool yielding animals are properly treated and taken care of and this pocess is known as rearing.
- The wool yielding animals are reared in areas with low rainfall
- Sheep is one of the most popular wool yielding animals and it has a lifespan of about 10 to 12 years.
- They eat grass and leaves. Reared shepp are also fed with a mixture of pulses, corn, jowar, Oil cakes and Minerals.
- In winter they are kept indoors and fed on dry fodder, leaves and grains.
☀️ Then, They are sheared......
- Once the sheep develops a thick coat of hair it is shaved off for getting wool.
- The removal of wool from sheep is known as shearing.
- It is done manually with the large razor or with shearing machine. Shearing is usually done during the hot season.