The decimal places start at the tenths:
00.tenths, hundredths, thousandths
So you would need to end up with only two numbers after the decimal.
To round, if a number is 4 or less, leave the next number as it is.
Ex: 2.32 → 2.3 Rounding to the tenths
78.614 → 78.6 Rounding to the tenths
If the number is 5 or higher, round up one number
EX: 37.76 → 37.8 Rounding to the tenths
6.389 → 6.4 Rounding to the tenths
Our number, 897.234, needs to be rounded to the hundredths place, so use the number to its right to determine the rounded value. The number 4 means that the hundredths place will remain the same, so the new value is: