The title of this article is derived from an ordeal
between the author and her son. When she saw her son, tacitly mouthing
plenty of contemporary vocabulary when riding in the car or drawing.
McCorkle decided to countenance him with a “Cuss Time.” She elucidates
that, for five minutes a day; her son was permitted to talk about
whichever word he fancied. The son considered all the words to have
similar weight. However, when the Cuss Time was concluded, he was not
permitted to cuss until the following day when it started again.
Part of the author’s thinking was without cussing; it limits people’s
potential in how to express themselves. In her work, she talks about her
childhood, when she had no freedom to say bad words and thus tries to
point out that by making efforts to limit the freedoms of individuals, it
sparks them to do something more( creates more temptation to). She
expresses this fact with her first quote in the paper by saying, through
bridling the people’s freedom of articulation, we derogate their convictions
and views before they even have the elbow room to hatch” ( Mccorkle,
2007). She spoke of many things in her work, all pointing to her main
thesis that by not allowing persons to access their freedoms of
expression, we are not giving people a chance to come up with their
thoughts and limiting their real potential.