Zygomycota produce zygospores, which germinate into new hyphae.
The reproductive world of fungi ranges from bursting spores to fruiting bodies.
During asexual reproduction, some hyphae become spore-producing bodies called sporangia or conidia. The group of fungi known as Zygomycota develop sporangia within a sac. This sac then bursts to release the spores.
Once the spores land on a suitable habitat, they germinate a new hypha that grows into a mycelium.
Zygomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota each reproduce sexually. The difference is the structure the spores form in. Basidiomycota form fruiting bodies called mushrooms or basidius; Ascomycota have sacs called ascus; and Zygomycota produce zygospore.