13.51 nm
Step-by-step explanation:
To solve this problem, we are going to use angle approximation that sin θ ≈ tan θ ≈ θ where our θ is in radians
y/L=tan θ ≈ θ
and ∆θ ≈∆y/L
Where ∆y= wavelength distance= 2.92 mm =0.00292m
L=screen distance= 2.40 m
=0.001217 rad
The grating spacing is d = (90000 lines/m)^−1
=1.11 × 10−5 m.
the small-angle
approx. Using difraction formula with m = 1 gives:
mλ = d sin θ ≈ dθ →
∆λ ≈ d∆θ = =1.11 × 10^-5 m×0.001217 rad
= 13.51 nm