La parroquia es el teatro de la narración. En la plaza ya hay dos costados cubiertos de casas. El despacho de la alcaldía era llamado cabildo. La tienda tiene una trastienda que comunica con la alcoba de la familia. Hubo en la parroquia la gran novedad de que un forastero se mecía en una hamaca en la casa de dona Patrocinio.
The parish is the theater of this story. In the square there are already two sides covered with houses. The mayoral office was called the council. The store has a back room that communicates with the family's bedroom. There was the great news in the parish that a stranger was rocking in a hammock in the house of Mrs. Patrocinio.
Step-by-step explanation:
These sentences are extracted from Manuela, a novel of Colombian customs, by Eugenio Díaz Castro.