A job market expert said, “If this trend continues, we will see further increase in employees.” Which of the following graphs could represent the expert’s statement? a. A line graph showing years on the x-axis and all employees, thousands on the y-axis. Line starts at 6,570 on January 2000, increases to 6,800 on January 2001, decreases to 6,650 on March 2003, increases steadily to 7,300 on March 2006, stays at 7,300 on January 2007, then decreases steadily to 6,150 on August 2009. b. A line graph showing years on the x-axis and all employees, thousands on the y-axis. Line starts at 15,000 on January 2000 and increases steadily, to 16,300 on January 2003, 17,00 on January 2006, and 19,100 on January 2009. c. A line graph showing years on the x-axis and all employees, thousands on the y-axis. Line starts at 590 on January 2000, increases slightly to 615 on July 2001, decreases to 560 on March 2003, increases steadily to 790 on September 2008, then decreases sharply to 710 on August 2009. d. None of these