0.0134 moles.
We will use conversion factors to solve this problem.
Potassium chloride has the chemical formula KCl.
1 gram of KCl is written on the left side of the conversion factor equation.
KCl has a molar mass of 74.5513 g/mol. This is found by adding together the atomic mass of each element. This means that 1 mole of KCl = 74.5513 grams
The conversion factor will look like this. To solve the equation we start with what is on the left, 1 gram. 1 is multiplied by the number in the numerator, and divided by the number in the denominator. When 1 is divided by 74.5513 it equals .0134. The unit grams cancel giving us our final answer in moles.
I hope this satisfied your request. Feel free to ask any questions. I apologize, my handwriting is a bit messy.