These are the Reticular Activating system
Step-by-step explanation:
These are network of neurons that occupy lager areas of the brainstem. They are located between the brain stem and the cortex.These neurons projected anteriorly into the hypothalamus, posteriorly into the thalamus to form the ascending RAS and emerged directly into the cortex.
Generally,the RAS is made up of 4 components.These are each made up of group of nuclei .The latter are simultaneously activated by the lateral hypothalamus,which cause the release of neurotransmitters that cause the modulatory effects produced by the entire RAS
Their major function is the control of sleepiness and wakefulness in individuals.It does this with the interactions with a lot of neurotransmitters present in the brain.
Besides the above functions the RAS is also responsible for the control of focus, stability of muscles tone.