Answer:Horizontal Lines.
Vertical Lines.
Parallel Lines.
Perpendicular Lines.
Step-by-step explanation:
are a continuous line that defines the outline of a shape. They can exist outside and inside a shape, or a figure and are often referred to as line art.
Some artists create contour lines by using the same width line, while others change the width to give more energy and volume suggestions.
Parallel or cross-hatching lines are used to create texture, volume, shading or patterns.
They are often used as one at a time and are very effective during sketching. The more lines there are close together, the darker the area seems, creating a shadow.
Gesture lines are quick continuous lines often used to represent human form and movement, thus gesture drawing.
Gesture drawing (link to gesture drawing tips you don’t want to miss!) is often a warm-up session of 30 seconds – 5 minutes, which supports the energetic, quick and in-motion lines type.
Implied lines are lines that aren’t physically present, but generated by our minds based on other subjects.
They are a very powerful tool in art and design, as they guide the viewer’s eyes right where artist wants them to go.
The continuous line is when a drawing is done at one go without ever lifting it from the page.
This type of art ends up being very expressive and energetic if done right, if done not-so-well it can simply end up looking messy.