Who will bell the cat?
Grace Manor was a huge house and had a mistress who was not only rich but wanted the Manor clean and in pristine order, and at the same time, never wanting for grain- something the mice loved.
Due to the constant raids by the mice, the mistress of the house brought in a hungry cat and he began to hunt the mice and kill them.
There was peace, quiet, and most importantly, orderliness in the Manor, but the mice were starving so they came up with a plan to bell the hungry cat so they can scamper before he was able to sneak up on them.
The big question was: "Who will bell the (hungry) cat?"
No other mice wanted to do so because they were all scared of the cat, but Meachum, the smallest of the mice decided to do it and was successful now the mice could raid the barn in peace, due to the courage of Meachum.