3 votes
Graded Discussion Board

Mobile application development industry in the last few years has grown worldwide and it has changed the way businesses function worldwide. Enterprises also want to align mobile apps according to their productivity in recent times. Rapid innovation in mobile devices across platforms has given the challenge to mobile application developers to write several versions of an application for many different platforms using a single language and many pieces of reusable code. As a mobile application developer when you had realized your mobile app idea, it's time to validate it, understand the target market, and narrow down the platform on which you ideally would like to build your mobile application. As soon as that is decided, it’s time to select a programming language, keeping in mind your business strategy to make either native or hybrid platform apps.
So considering you a mobile application developer you are given the following requirements for your mobile application development
User friendly GUI
Full access to any platform spectrum including platform specific capabilities
Libraries inclusion from different service providers
Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation on applications
Negligible startup time
Increased memory sharing feature
Improved performance
You will suggest that either you will go for hybrid or native application development. After that as per your selected application type you will write name of programming language and framework you use and then you justify your choice with reasons. Your answer must be brief

User Abdol Seed
6.9k points

1 Answer

6 votes


Mobile Crash Reporting

Mobile app crash reporting and run time errors in a single view, give you a holistic overview of your application's health in real-time.

Correlate errors with releases, tags, and devices, to solve problems quickly, decrease churn and improve user retention.

Aggregate Crash and Error Reporting

Sentry captures every crash and tells you about it in real-time.

Is a bug impacting 100,000 people while another is only impacting 1,000? Crashes roll up into Issues, giving you immediate impact visibility.

Dive in to see the exact stack frames and threads to tackle whatever is derailing your mobile app development.

Monitor Release Health

Closely track user adoption, usage of the application, percentage of crash-free users and sessions. Sentry for Mobile provides insight into the impact of crashes and bugs as it relates to user experience and application versions.

Measure the health of mobile releases over time and view trends with each new issue through the release details, graphs, and filters.

Get Up and Running in Five Minutes

Install our SDK (we work with iOS, Android, React Native, Swift, and everything else) and start seeing mobile crash analytics five minutes later.

Upload debug files, ProGuard mapping files, and source maps with minimal effort during the build of the application.

Integrating Sentry with your mobile app development process is easy, regardless of if you're collaborating with one person or one thousand. That's why we're used by over 1M developers at more than 60K organizations.

Get the Best from the Sentry Ecosystem


Cross-Platform projects in React Native, Cordova, or Ionic, can benefit from our best-in-class Javascript error tracking and from the platform-specific Android and iOS SDKs that add device context to error reports.

Android, iOS, and Native projects get all the same features you use for non-mobile projects including:

Customizable grouping of error reports into issues

Stable integration with build systems and release management

Integration with symbol servers

Easy access to all the data via API

And, the best in class symbolication for everyone

Is your data secure? You better believe it.

Just look at all the high-quality security features all accounts get, regardless of plan.

Two-Factor Auth

Single Sign-On support

Organization audit log

SOC-2 Certified

Privacy Shield certified

PII data scrubbing

SSL encryption

COPPA Compliant

All errors, one place

Use Sentry to collect and process errors from clients and connected projects. We support all major platforms.



User Delcon
6.4k points