1 = B
2 = C
3 = D
4 = A
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Countries sought modern production technologies to help build their economies. - b. Leaders welcomed multinational corporations into their countries, but found that they harmed local businesses and exercised political influence through business decisions.
2. Leaders sought to retain power and feared a return to old ideologies or Western influence. - c. In China, Mao inaugurated the culture revolution, using Chinese youth to rebuild his own power and reject both Western influence and China's pre-Maoist past.
3. Government needed funds to support infrastructure projects. - d. India and Indonesia received World Bank loans to build infrastructure, but lost autonomous control of their economies as part of the loan process.)
4. Newly independent states included regions that did not want to be part of the country.) - a. The Nigerian government sought help maintaining its territorial integrity which it managed through Soviet military aid and a brutal civil war.