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Implementing plans where functional managers will be held responsible for cost overruns against their original estimate possess both advantages and disadvantages :
The advantages include:
1) Efficient use of Resources : A functional manager could be explained as the head or a person who has managerial authority over a department within a business organization. As such the functional manager will be able to monitor more effectively and take control of his unit. Holding them responsible for cost overruns will ensure that they are more cautious when it comes to resource and cost management as they will not want to be sanctioned.
11) ACCOUNTABILITY: It increases the sense of responsibility of the functional managers as they are being held fully responsible for the decisions made within their unit. This places a higher burden of showing sincerity on the managers.
The disadvantage associated with the plan is the possibility of producing low quality products resulting from the economical and cautious approach embarked upon in other to prevent cost overrun, materials used may be lesser quality than expected.