This question is incomplete. Here is the complete question:
1 — Translate the text below: (Traduza o texto abaixo:) Protests Around the World Police killed a black man in the USA last week. People around the world protested. People do not agree with racism. Many people think that police behave badly towards some people. Many people protested in France. In 2016, French police arrested a black man. The man later died. People in Australia protested, too. Australian police killed 400 native Australians. Officials did not try to find out what happened.
Protestos em todo o mundo.
A polícia matou um homem negro nos EUA na semana passada. Pessoas em todo o mundo protestaram. As pessoas não concordam com o racismo. Muitas pessoas pensam que a polícia se comporta mal com algumas pessoas. Muitas pessoas protestaram na França. Em 2016, a polícia francesa prendeu um homem negro. O homem morreu mais tarde. Pessoas na Austrália também protestaram. A polícia australiana matou 400 australianos nativos. As autoridades não tentaram descobrir o que aconteceu.
Step-by-step explanation:
The best way to translate a text is not always an online translator. These translators often have errors that sometimes we cannot perceive if we do not know the language well. The best thing would be that you have a dictionary to look up the words that you don't really know, and be able to make a good personalized translation.