2 3/8
First get the LCM (Least Common Multiple) for the denominators so we can subtract them. The denominators would both be 8 because it is the lowest number that they can have to be able to subtract. (The LCM). So is 4 3/4 has a denominator of 8 it'll become:
4 3/4= 4 6/8 because if 4 turned into 8, that means it multiplied by 2. So, you need to multiply 3 by 2 as well which equals 6. This is it as a ratio:
3:4 into x:8
So 4 times 2, which means you need to do 3 times 2 as well. It equals 6.
So now that we know 4 3/4 is 4 6/8, it is time to subtract. 2 3/8 already has a denominator of 8 so we don't need to do anything with that. Subtract.
4 6/8-2 3/8= 2 3/8. 4-2=2, so the whole number is 2. 6-3= 3, so the numerator (the top number) is 3. The denominator (the bottom number) always stays the same so it is the same, which is 8.