Hey there!
The environment has a greater effect on my health. I consider myself lucky to live somewhere where the air pollution and noise pollution is generally low, but I have other family members who aren't as fortunate as me. Whenever I visit them, I have trouble sleeping, because there is always construction outside their apartment at 2 AM, and the smoke from factories makes breathing difficult. I absolutely acknowledge that heredity plays a big role in your health, but I believe that if we protect the environment more, we would have a lot less ill people.
Even the Coronavirus pandemic can be related to this. Sure, some people have naturally weak immune systems which come from their heredity. However, if that one person in Wuhan, China, hadn't eaten that bowl of bat soup, we would probably have a normal 2020. The reason why the Coronavirus pandemic spread to every corner of the world, was because those poor animals were hunted and forced to come into contact with humans.
Let me know if this helps :)