A is in length dimensions
The expression:
x = A sin (2πft)
has in the second member two factors A and sin (2πft); a sine is a relation between two sides with the same dimension that means a sine is a number ( with minimum and maximum values of 0 for zero degrees and 1 for 90 degrees ). As t is in units of time ( seconds, minutes or hours) frequency "f", which is the number of cycles per unit of time ( seconds, minutes or hours), t and f should be both in the same unit, in order to get just a number for sin2πf.
Therefore A should be in units of length and x will get its units from A
For instance
x = A sin(2πft)
t in seconds f in 1/seconds A in meters
By substitution, we can see that
x[ m ] = A [m] * sin[ 2π*sec* 1/sec ]
x[ m ] = A [m] * number