The scientific revolution the enlightenment is to development of the power human mind and the enlightenment value.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The scientific revolution that most valid method in biology, chemistry, physics to the developments transforms nature about society.
- Scientific revolution is to the role of the nature methodology observed evidence, played large .
- scientific revolution consist that single change contributed idea, in the own fields,slowly accepted scientific community.
- The scientific revolution is the method during the modern period to transformed view about nature.
- Scientific revolution their are transformed by the fundamentally to change the medieval idea.
- The scientific revolution is the method to provide natural and artificial tradition of the scientific community.
- Scientific revolution accessible to the human mind was based on experience,and the primary source of that authority.
- Scientific revolution as the centers of scientific research and development to the scientific profession, science population.
- Scientific revolution is provide that electricity, electric properties and they many materials.