If You Wouldn't Want This Super Power...
If I could read people's minds, I would choose not to have it. I wouldn't want to have this super power because it might hurt me. For example, someone might say, "Wow you look amazing!" but they're just saying that to make me feel good. They might think I look bad, and if you could know that, you would feel bad as well. It also won't benefit me either. I'm already pretty good at detecting lies, and I certainly don't want to know the weird things going on inside of random people's heads. Therefore, I would not choose to be able to read people's minds, because it would do nothing but hurt me.
If You Would Want This Super Power...
If I could read people's minds, I would choose to have it! I would want to have this super power because I could know everything going on inside of peoples heads; like what they actually thought about me, or if there's any mischief going on inside their heads! (you should probably not include this part) You could also protect yourself. For example, if someone wanted to murder you, you would know. Also you could know what people experience, if they are dying inside or anything. Overall, I think being able to read people's minds would be amusing and cool!
You can say yes or no, and also you can tweak this to what's true about you and what you think! ♡
Hope this helped! ♡
❀ 0ranges ❀