Distribution of Power can be defined as the extent or way power is shared in a unit.
In my school, we have a basic power structure and the distribution of power is divided between the headmistress, principal, and teachers.
The Headmistress is the owner of the school and her decision is final. She decides the salary structure, school uniforms, teachers that will be employed, and other extremely important things. The principal reports to her.
The Principal is in charge of the administrative part of the school as he monitors the performance of teachers, supervises the students, and other administrative functions. The teachers answer directly to him, and in turn, he reports his findings to the Headmistress.
The teachers are in charge of imparting academic and moral knowledge to the students. They teach them in the classroom, give them tests and assignments, mark and grade them. They are also allowed to discipline erring students. They answer directly to the Principal, although in some cases, the Headmistress can ask the situation report from the teachers directly.