a. Reflectional symmetry only. The mirror line is vertical along the center of the sunglasses. The left half mirrors over this line to get the right half, and vice versa. There isn't any rotational symmetry because we can't rotate the glasses (some angle between 0 and 360 exclusive of both endpoints) to have the image be the same as the preimage.
b. Rotational symmetry only. The puzzle can be rotated 90 degrees and the before and after image will be the exact same. There isn't any reflectional symmetry here.
c. Reflectional symmetry and rotational symmetry. Effectively a combination of parts a) and b). We have a horizontal line of symmetry to go with a vertical one. The angle of rotation is 180 degrees.
d. Reflectional symmetry and rotational symmetry. Similar to part c). This time the angle of rotation is 360/3 = 120 degrees. There are 3 lines of symmetry and they all pass through a vertex of the triangle, and the symmetry lines are perpendicular to the opposite side.
e. Reflectional symmetry and rotational symmetry. We can rotate 180 degrees and not change the image. There are two lines of symmetry which pass through the center, one line is horizontal and the other vertical.
f. Rotational symmetry only. We don't have reflectional symmetry due to the smaller petals not matching up when reflections happen. But we can rotate the figure 120 degrees the same way we can with figure d.