Health education report of the committee in terminology in school collage is called health education.
Home science is the study of managed activity of house for a long time.
Step-by-step explanation:
Health education is the profession environmental health and social health, emotional health, physical health is that a health education.
Health education is performed group of people to behave in the promotion,restoration of the public health,these multiple education health definitions.
World health organization define to the health education process improving knowledge conducive to that individual health and community health.
Home science is most important of the relation developed in a home and techniques to that home living, community living, sociology, psychology and economics home science.
Home science is to enables various skills manage home science like, tradition, food, clothing, in the part of home science,psychology and community good care of family, friends, and other people around you.
Home science is to change basic outlook home and society,and the home science subject is compulsory at school level, human science education is life education and this subject it multiple career choice.