oxygen is the chemical element with the atomic number is 8 and the symbol is o its known as called oxygen.
Step-by-step explanation:
Oxygen is the most third element in the universe at they standard and temperature and pressure,and oxides most elements as other compounds.
Oxygen gas is the earth atmosphere is 21%, an oxygen is the half of the earth crust in form of oxide,oxygen is liquid and solid gas.
Oxygen atoms such as proteins and acids, fats the major organic compounds, oxygen as component of the water and carbon dioxide.
Oxygen has many characteristics :- properties and molecular structure:-
this is a pressure and temperature with molecular formula referred as oxygen,simply describe a double bond and molecular orbits.
Physical properties:- oxygen is highly substance and must be combustible materials, oxygen may also from using a liquid nitrogen coolant, molecular oxygen is the associated with the process of air glow.
Stellar origin :- all of the remaining to half lives to the majority of are less then milliseconds.
Occurrence:- oxygen is the process part of the element in the earth crust, free oxygen is also occurs in the world bodies.
Analysis :- analysis to the structure of vegetation and the carbon cycle on a global scale.