For this problem, we need to convert the fractions into common denominators so we can get his total donated portion. From here, we can set up a proportion to fin his total income.
The greatest common denominator of 5 and 7 is 35. So
1/5 = 7/35. && 1/7 = 5/35
Add those together to get 7+5 = 12/35
So he gave away 12/35 of his income.
Now we set up a proportion to find his total.
35 / 12 = x / 24000
And now we solve for x:
x = (24000 * 35) / 12
x = 70000
So Mr. Pollard made $70000.
We can verify this by saying 24000 / 70000 to get the same reduced fraction 12/35.