Final answer:
A woman in a city in Saudi Arabia is LEAST likely to have shed her prescribed gender roles. Malthus's theory was incorrect in its prediction about the rate of food production growth. The gravity model is exemplified by the scenario of a Chinese immigrant choosing to move to France over the United States.
Step-by-step explanation:
The woman LEAST likely to have shed her ethnically proscribed gender roles is most likely a woman in a city in Saudi Arabia, where traditional gender roles are more deeply entrenched and women's rights have been historically restricted, though this is changing with recent reforms.
The part of Malthus's theory that was incorrect is that food production grew much more quickly than Malthus predicted, disproving his assumption that food supply would only increase arithmetically while the population grew geometrically.
The scenario supported by the gravity model is where a Chinese immigrant chooses to move to France over the United States, assuming the size of France and its proximity in terms of economic, social, and political ties make it more 'attractive' than the more distant United States.