In 49°32'55'', we convert 32' to degrees. So. 32/60 = 8/15. We also convert 55'' to degrees. So, 55 × 1/60 × 1/60 = 55/3600 = 11/720
In 37°27'15'', we convert 27' to degrees. So. 27/60 = 9/20. We also convert 15'' to degrees. So, 15 × 1/60 × 1/60 = 15/3600 = 1/240
We now add the fractional parts plus the whole part of the angles together.
49 + 8/15 + 11/720 + 37 + 9/20 + 1/240 = 49 + 37 + 8/15 + 9/20 + 11/720 + 1/240 = 86 + 59/60 + 7/360.
We now convert the fractional parts 59/60 to minutes by multiplying by 60 and convert 7/360 to seconds by multiplying by 3600
86° + 59/60 × 60 + 7/360 × 3600 = 86° + 59' + 7 × 10 =86° + 59' + 70'' = 86 + 59' + 1' + 10''= 86 + 60' + 10'' = 86 + 1° + 10'' = 87° 10''
So, 49°32'55'' + 37°27'15'' = 87°10''