1.) Sowing
2.) Respiration
3.) Soil preparation or cultivation or ploughing
4.) Fertility
5.) 2, 4 -D
6.) winnowing threshers
7.) Surface irrigation and sprinkler irrigation
8.) Weeds
9.) Transplantation
10.) Aeration
Step-by-step explanation:
1.) Seed drill sows crop seed
2.) Ploughing assist in the respiration and penetration of the roots of a growing plants
3.) Tilling the soil is breaking of the soil lumps and turning of the soil
4.) Manure and fertilizers supply nutrient to the soil for the uptake by plant in food production
5.) 2, 4 -D are a range of weedicide containing 2,4-D as the active ingredient
6.) Winnowing is the separation of grain from straw
Threshers remove seeds from husks and stalks
7.) Surface irrigation -gravity enables the flow of the water
and sprinkler irrigation- Use of preset tools for irrigation
8.) Weeds are the unwanted, in situ, growing plants close to the crops
9.) Transplantation is the method of relocating plants
10.) Excess water limits access of the roots and seeds to atmospheric oxygen