The possible blood types their children could have are A or 0.
Step-by-step explanation:
The I gene determines the blood type of a person. I is the dominant allele, while i is the recessive allele.
- IA dominant over i. The person presents A type of antigens.
- IB dominant over i. The person presents B type of antigens.
- IA and IB are codominant. The person presents both types of antigens, A and B.
- i is the recessive allele. The person does not present any antigen.
Cross: a person who is blood type O with a person who is blood type A
Parental) ii x IA-
Gametes) i i IA -
Punnet Square) IA -
i IAi -i
i IAi -i
The - symbol represents the possibility of either IA allele or i allele. This is, the parental with blood type A might have the genotype IAIA or IAi
F1) 2/4 = 1/2 IAi
2/4 = 1/2 -i (-i could be either IAi or ii, depending on the genotype of the parental with blood type A)
F1) 100% IAi (The whole progeny will have blood type A)
F1) 50% IAi (Half of the progeny will have blood type A)
50% ii (Halfa of the progeny will have blood type 0)
The possible blood types their children could have are A or 0.