a) Means: 24 and 2; Extremes: 4 and 12
b) Means: 6 and 16; Extremes: 24 and 4
c) Means: 8 and 8; Extremes: 4 and 16
d) Means: 50 and 3; Extremes: 6 and 25
The Means and Extremes in a proportion are defined based on the writing the proportion in one lie using colons the indicate the fraction, like in:
a : b = c : d The extremes values here are those that you see at the extreme left and extreme right of that expression. That is: a, and d.
The Means are the values that appear in the middle of the one line expression, that is: b and c.
Recall as well that the proportion can also be written with fractions:
a : b = c : d is the same as: a / b = c / d
so convert the expression to a one line with colons when the question comes in fraction form, and that way you can answer.