American Forces Network - provides US radio and TV news, entertainment to active, guard, and Reserves...
WW2 - Recorded shows were transmitted to these various people. Bobe Hope, Jane Russell were just some examples of people that provided entertainment for our service members.
Step-by-step explanation:
Germany, Europe, Korea, Iran, South Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Caribbean, & Central America - these are places that were able to receive the broadcast.
Shortwave Radios, satellite broadcasting - sent it even to Puerto Rico and Hawaii - just some examples. I found it interesting that in January of 1001, the network was able to send info about Desert Storm, and Desert Shield. Actually, the first song on the air was Rock the Casbah by the Clash. Operation Iraqi Freedom was also broadcasting and they had a goal to make sure they were always on the air. Now, it is all available on internet radio.