Basic characteristics of OOAD and compression with SAD can be defined as follows:
Step-by-step explanation:
The Object-oriented analysis is described as a design and analysis system like an application, that uses Oops programming. It is the measurement model, that is the presentation, which became a part of the object-based review.
The features of OOAD can be defined as follows.
- The complex issues are simply solved.
- The operation of very fast recovery.
- The stability in condition changes.
- Its conceptual method for resolving its extremely complex problems.
The difference in OOAD and SAD can be defined as follows:
- The OOAD mainly focuses upon the design of objects, it can be used in highly complex logical systems, whereas the SAD focuses on data analysis systems and processes.
- The OOAD uses the framework to target data, but the SAD is process-oriented. It uses class and UML diagrams, but SSAD uses DFDs to extract the element, it has many limited steps to prepare and execute, but OOAD relies mostly on initial growth. This method is being developed in the course of the process.