To infectious diseases consisting of the opsonization of the antibodies formed by the plasmacysts, such as:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TUBERCULOSIS), polio, pneumococcal disease, etc.
These diseases need to have a battle of antibodies that neutralize the microorganism when entering our body, since otherwise if there are no antibody-forming cells, the diseases they generate are lethal.
B lymphocytes are in charge of differentiating into plasmacysts and it is there that once they mature they can synthesize specific antibodies against an antigen or microorganism, either by a vaccine or by an encounter with the true pathogen.
The acquired immune response will be affected.
Step-by-step explanation:
The lymphocytosis deficit is called flame lymphocytopenia and considers the patient as immunosuppressed, as well as a life conditioned to extreme care, disinfection and a strict vaccination plan.