The correct options is;
Every character written in A S C I I can be represented using Unicode
Step-by-step explanation:
All characters found in A S C I I can be found in Unicode such that A S C I I is a subset of Unicode whereby the meaning of the numbers from 0 to 127 are the same in both A S C I I and Unicode
The size of the A S C I I character in 8-bit A S C I I encoding is 8 bits while a Unicode U T F - 8 encoding has between 8 bits (1 byte) and 32 bits (4-bytes)
A S C I I assigns only 127 of the 255 possible numbers that can be stored in an 8-bits character, where the spare characters are then used by P C s for accented characters, therefore, it A S C I I does not define accented characters