C. oxidation
Step-by-step explanation:
Acid mine drainage occurs when acidic water flows forth from metal or coal mine. The oxidation of pyrite is one of the major causes of acid mine drainage. Sulfide is oxidized to sulfate which undergoes solubilization to Iron(II). Iron(II) is further oxidized to Ferric Iron or Iron(III). The reaction proceeds this way;
4Fe²⁺₍aq₎ + O₂₍g₎ + 4H⁺₍aq₎ ⇒ 4Fe³₍aq₎ ⁺ 2H₂O₍l₎
Ferric hydroxide, also known as Yellow boy is obtained when the pH of the acid mine rises above three. This resultant outcome of the oxidization of pyrites is detrimental to aquatic life and humans if they should consume water containing the Yellow Boy.