1 vote
1 #Write a function called phonebook that takes two lists as

2 #input:
3 #
4 # - names, a list of names as strings
5 # - numbers, a list of phone numbers as strings
6 #
7 #phonebook() should take these two lists and create a
8 #dictionary that maps each name to its phone number. For
9 #example, the first name in names should become a key in
10 #the dictionary, and the first number in numbers should
11 #become the value corresponding to the first name. Then, it
12 #should return the dictionary that results.
13 #
14 #Hint: Because you're mapping the first name with the first
15 #number, the second name with the second number, etc., you do
16#not need two loops. For a similar exercise, check back on
17 #Coding Problem 4.3.3, the Scantron grading problem.
18 #
19 #You may assume that the two lists have the same number of #items: there will be no names without numbers or numbers
20 #without names.
21 #Write your function here!
28 #Below are some lines of code that will test your function
29 #You can change the value of the variable(s) to test your
30 #function wit h different inputs 2 If your function works correctly, this ill originally
32 #print (although the order of the keys may vary):
33| #('Jackie': '404-555-1234., 'Joshua': .678-555-5678., "Marguerite': '778-555-9012
36 name_list ['Jackie', Joshua', 'Marguerite']
37 number list-['484-555-1234, 678-555-5678 770-555-9812']
38 print (phonebook (name list, numberlist))

1 Answer

3 votes


I am writing a Python program.

def phonebook(names, numbers): #method phonebook that takes two parameters i.e a list of names and a list of phone numbers

dict={} #creates a dictionary

for x in range(len(names)): # loop through the names

dict[names[x]]=numbers[x] #maps each name to its phone number

return dict #return dictionary in key:value form i.e. name:number

#in order to check the working of this function, provide the names and numbers list and call the function as following:

names = ['Jackie', 'Joshua', 'Marguerite']

numbers = ['404-555-1234', '678-555-5678', '770-555-9012']

print(phonebook(names, numbers))

Step-by-step explanation:

The program has a function phonebook() that takes two parameters, name which is a list of names and numbers that is a list of phone numbers.

It then creates a dictionary. An empty dictionary is created using curly brackets. A dictionary A dictionary is used here to maps a names (keys) phone numbers (values) in order to create an unordered list of names and corresponding numbers.

for x in range(len(names)):

The above statement has a for loop and two methods i.e. range() and len()

len method is used to return the length of the names and range method returns sequence of numbers just to iterate as an index and this loops keeps iterating until x exceeds the length of names.


The above statement maps each name to its phone number by mapping the first name with the first umber, the second name with the second number and so on. This mapping is done using x which acts like an index here to map first name to first number and so on. For example dict[names[1]]=numbers[1] will map the name (element) at 1st index of the list to the number (element) at 1st index.

return dict retursn the dictionary and the format of dictionary is key:value where key is the name and value is the corresponding number.

The screenshot of the program and its output is attached.

1 #Write a function called phonebook that takes two lists as 2 #input: 3 # 4 # - names-example-1
User Mirza Sisic
6.6k points