Alex : Hey Bob, I think this coin is biased; I flipped it a few times and it always lends Tail. I think p, the probability of landing Head, must be less than 5%. Can you take a look?
Bob: Seriously? I bet it's fair, that is I think p = 1/2. Let me flip it three times and count the number of Heads. If the number of Heads is smaller than some threshold t, then I will buy you dinner. Otherwise, you will buy me dinner.
Alex: Wow Bob, okay! I will go ahead and reserve a fancy restaurant.
Bob: One last thing, though, just to make things fair: pick any t you want, but let's keep the proba- bility that I buy you dinner even if I'm right (that is, even if the truth is p= 1/2) below 10% please.
Alex: Go away, Bob! Stop wasting my time!
Question: why did Alex get mad?