Natural Capitalism as an idea and thesis for a book emerged in 1994, the year after the
publication of The Ecology of Commerce. After meeting with and speaking to different
business, government, and academic institutions in the aftermath of the book's
publication, it became clear to Hawken that industry and government needed an overall
biological and social framework within which the transformation of commerce could be
accomplished and practiced. To that end, articles and papers were written that became the
basis of a book about natural capitalism. A key element of this theory was the idea that
the economy was shifting from an emphasis on human productivity to a radical increase
in resource productivity. This shift would provide more meaningful family-wage jobs, a
better worldwide standard of living to those in need, and a dramatic reduction of
humankind's impact upon the environment. So while the context for Natural Capitalism
existed in a theoretical framework, the exposition did not.
Contemporaneously, Amory and Hunter Lovins were coming to the same conclusion: that
a shared framework was needed that could harness the talent of business to solve the
world's deepest environmental and social problems. Both were writing Factor Four:
Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use for publication in Germany in 1995. The senior
author of Factor Four, Ernst von Weizsäcker, among Europe's top innovators in
environmental policy, had teamed up with the Lovinses to pool the experience of their
respective nonprofit research centers—Wuppertal Institute in Germany and Rocky
Mountain Institute (RMI) in Colorado. The three authors had assembled fifty case studies
of at least quadrupled resource productivity to detail how, across whole economies,
people could live twice as well but use half as much material and energy. Factor Four
showed that such striking gains in resource efficiency could be profitable, and that
obstacles to their implementation could be hurdled by combining innovations in business
practice and in public policy.
Both Factor Four and The Ecology of Commerce urged the private sector to move to the
vanguard of environmental solutions. Factor Four described a creative policy framework
that could foster fair and open competition in achieving that success. The Ecology of
Commerce suggested techniques that when combined with business's unique strengths
could enable it to meet this challenge successfully.
Hunter Lovins sent a draft of Factor Four to Paul Hawken in early 1995. He saw that it
was the exposition that natural capitalism needed if it were to make its theoretical claims
credible and demonstrable. The ideas not only meshed, they were absolutely
complementary. We agreed to work together toward one book, under the title of Natural
Capitalism, that would contain both theory and practice. After the work began, we
discovered it wasn't that simple. Factor Four was anecdotal, Europe-oriented (by 1997 it
had also been published in England after being a German bestseller for nearly two years),
and written more for policy and environmental activists than for business practitioners. It
needed not adaptation but complete rewriting. Further, the examples offered concentrated
mainly on efficiency and did not take fully into account the need for the restoration of
natural capital nor for several other important elements of natural capitalism that go far