This excerpt is about "Romanticism."
Step-by-step explanation:
Realism is a literary era that focused on the place and role of the state and its relationships with other states (nations). It de-emphasized individualism. Typically, Realism was a revolt against Romanticism that dominated the French literary society before the 1846 French Revolution.
Romanticism, on the other, was a literary era that dominated the literary society with strong emphasis on imagination, individual experiences and accomplishments, foci on the common man, common interest, nature, and simplicity. Reading the excerpt, one understands the actions of Jane as very altruistic, but based on superstitious imaginations, and human commonness. This is why she wants to discover the child's future by cross checking her premonitions with the predictions that the voodoo expert can offer.
Romanticism reigned after the rejection of an earlier literary era, known as classicalism, which urged harmony , restraint, and adherence to societal norms and practises.