It is important to understand laws about sexual harassment and assault in the state you live in. In Texas, the age of consent for sexual intercourse is 18. It is illegal to perform any sexual activity before the age of 18. According to the Texas Penal Code, any sex act with a person younger than 18 is a crime, though whether it is a misdemeanor or felony depends on the age of the people involved. If both parties are minors and agree to give consent, it is still illegal. Unless the minors are married, this crime is called statutory r*pe. Texas law defines sexual harassment as conduct that is either so severe or so pervasive that it creates an abusive environment. An example of sexual harassment is making sexually explicit comments or unwanted groping. Even if both parties are legal adults, if the attention unwelcome, then it still counts as a criminal act. The state of Texas also has specific laws regarding r*pe. The Texas Penal Code says r*pe is the use of force, threats of force, or fraud as a means of having non-consensual sexual intercourse with another person to whom the offender is not married. To be defined as r*pe, the sexual act must be undesired. R*pe is considered a felony, and the offender can be charged upwards of 8 years in state prison. In conclution, laws concerning sexual harassment, age of consent, and r*pe will vary depending on the state you live in.
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