1. Will power plant building be earthquake proof?
2. Will the chemicals placed in the power plant be enough secure that it does not leak or are prone to any explosion?
3. What are the chances of the site facing an earthquake?
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Will power plant building be earthquake proof?
The building should be secure for the scientists working there and for the chemicals placed in there, if the site faces an earthquake an earthquake building may collapse and can result in explosions of the chemicals.
2. Will the chemicals placed in the power plant be enough secure that it does not leak or are prone to any explosion?
The chemicals placed in the power plant needs to be secured in a place where no unauthenticated entrance is allowed and if any earthquake hits the chemicals do not spill out or mix up which may result in explosions.
3. What are the chances of the site facing an earthquake?
Having a probability study before constructing a power plant is important, a complete chart should be made which shows the probability of this site hitting earthquake this study may be based on past results.