Step-by-step explanation:
Groupthink is a psychological term that describes the phenomenon involving decision making of group of people, such that, the desire for cooperation or conformity in the group leads to individual creativity being lost or subverted, so as to remain within the comfort zone of the consensus view
Some of the examples considered by psychologists as Groupthink are:
1. Bay of Pigs invasion: Here, the US administration tried to overthrow Fidel Castro, there by president Kennedy decided to invade Bay of Pigs, in which the rest of the team supported him despite having their private concerns.
2. Challenger Space Shuttle disaster: it is often cited that, it was caused by groupthink. Here, it is believed that, NASA, knew about the potential for failure, but because they want to launch early, so they went ahead with the launch anyway3
3. The bombing of Pearl Harbor: it is often believed that, a good number of the senior officers at Pearl Harbor did not heed to earlier warningss from Washington DC about potential invasion, despite the fact that Japanese messages had been revealed.