for(i = 0; i<20;i++){
lineY = 20 + (i * 20);
line(0, lineY, 400, lineY) }
Step-by-step explanation:
First declare and initialize the variable i. You have not specified the data type of i so if the data type of i is integer i.e. int then you should declare i variable in the for loop as for(int i = 0; i<20;i++)
So the given while loop has a variable i which is initialized to 0. Then while(i<20) means that while loop executes until the value of i exceeds 20. If this while condition is true then the two statements inside its body will execute. The two statements are: lineY = 20 + (i * 20);
line(0, lineY, 400, lineY);
The value of i ins incremented after each iteration i.e. i++
So while loop has the following syntax"
1) initialization; ----> i = 0
2) while(condition) { ----> i<20
3) loop body -----> lineY = 20 + (i * 20); line(0, lineY, 400, lineY);
4) increment or decrement loop variable } ----> i++
For loop has the following syntax:
for( initialization of loop variable ; condition; decrement/increment loop variable) {
loop body }
initialization ----> i = 0
condition ----> i<20
loop body -----> lineY = 20 + (i * 20); line(0, lineY, 400, lineY);
increment or decrement loop variable ----> i++