Here is the C++ program:
#include <iostream> //for using input output functions
using namespace std; //to identify objects like cin cout
class Plane{ //class Plane
private: // declare private data members i.e. first_class and eco_class
int first_class; //variable for first class
int eco_class; //variable declared for economy class
public: // public access modifier
Plane(){ //constructor to initialize values of first_class and eco_class
first_class=0; //initialized to 0
eco_class=0;} //initialized to 0
int getFirst(){ // class method to get data member first_class
return first_class;} //returns the no of reserved first class seats
int getEco(){ // class method to get data member eco_class
return eco_class;} //returns the no of reserved eco class seats
void CheckIn(){ //method to handle the check in process
int choice; //choice between first and economy class
cout<<"\\Enter 1 to select First Class Seat: "<<endl; //prompts user to enter 1 to reserve first class seat
cout<<"\\Enter 2 to select Economy Class Seat: "<<endl; //prompts user to enter 2 to reserve economy class seat
cin>>choice; //reads the choice from user
switch(choice){ // switch statement is used to handle the check in process
case 1: //to handle the first class seat reservation
if(getFirst()<5){ //if the seat is available and the seat limit has not exceed 5
first_class++; //add 1 to the first_class seat to count that a seat is reserved
cout<<"You reserved First class seat! ";} //display the message about successful seat reservation in first class
cout<<"\\Number of first class seats reserved: "<<getFirst()<<endl;} //displays the number of seats already reserved
else{ //if all first class seats are reserved then display the following message
cout<<"No more seats available for you selection!"<<endl;
if(getEco()>=5 && getFirst()>=5){ //if all seats from first class and economy class are reserved display the following message
cout<<"All seats are reserved!"<<endl;
exit(1);}} //program exits
case 2: //to handle the economy seat reservation
if(getEco()<5){ //if the seat is available and the seat limit has not exceed 5
eco_class++; //add 1 to the eco_class seat to count that a seat is reserved
cout<<"You reserved Economy class seat! "; //display the message about successful seat reservation in economy class
cout<<"\\Number of Economy class seats reserved: "<<getEco()<<endl;} //displays the number of seats already reserved
else{ //if all economy class seats are reserved then display the following message
cout<<"No more seats available for you selection!"<<endl;
if(getEco()>=5 && getFirst()>=5){ //if all seats from first class and economy class are reserved display the following message
cout<<"All seats are reserved!"<<endl;
exit(1);}} //program exits
default: cout<<"Enter a valid choice"<<endl; } } }; //if user enters anything other that 1 or 2 for choice then this message is displayed
int main(){ //start of main() function body
int select; // choice from first or economy class
Plane plane; //create an object of Plane class
cout<<"Airline Reservation System"<<endl; //display this welcome message
while(true){ // while loop executes the check in procedure
plane.CheckIn();} } //class CheckIn method of Plane classs using plane object to start with the check in process
Step-by-step explanation:
The program is elaborated in the comments with each statement of the above code. The program has a class Plane that has a method CheckIn to handle the check in process. The user is prompted to enter a choice i.e. enter 1 to select First Class Seat and enter 2 to select Economy Seat. A switch statement is used to handle this process. If user enters 1 then the case 1 of switch statement executes which reserves a seat for the user in first class. If user enters 2 then the case 2 of switch statement executes which reserves a seat for the user in economy class.There are only 5 seats for each First Class and Economy. So when the limit of the seats reservation exceeds 5 then the no more seats available for you selection is displayed. If all the seats are taken in both the first and economy class then it displays the message All seats are reserved. If the user enters anything other than 1 or 2 then display the message Enter a valid choice. Whenever the user reserves one of first or economy class seats the relevant seat is incremented to 1 in order to count the number of seats being reserved. The program and its output are attached.