Hello There!
1236 Abc st.
New York City , NY 99999
June, 17 , 2020
Jada Mancane
High school of California
777 High schooler
Los Angeles, CA 11111
Dear Miss Barton,
I am writing this letter to inform you that my son wont be coming back to Mifan highshcool. I him want to leave because of the lack of responsibility and cleanliness towards the students and teachers. The teachers don't stop any of the fights going on around the shcool , as for the students, they beat up the janitors and make huge messes on purpose. They also bring there phones and write rude things about you then post it on tic tok. Last week my son, Damien got sent to the hospital because of Mr. jones for asking to go to the bathroom. I will not expect this type of behavior from a grown women.
Please up your grade on being a principal. These kids are coming home bruiesed and depressed because of your school. I have seen lots of reports on your school and i'm not happy with it.
Best wishes on your school.
Explanation: I hope you enjoyed this.. I spent a lot of time on this.