I am writing a Python program:
print("Tip Calculator \\")
bill = float(input("Cost of meal: "))
tip15pc = bill * 0.15
tip20pc = bill * 0.20
tip25pc = bill * 0.25
print("Tip amount: %.2f"% (tip15pc))
print("Total amount: %.2f \\" % (bill + tip15pc))
print("Tip amount: %.2f"% (tip20pc))
print("Total amount: %.2f \\" % (bill + tip20pc))
print("Tip amount: %.2f"% (tip25pc))
print("Total amount: %.2f" % (bill + tip25pc))
Step-by-step explanation:
The program first prints the message: Tip Calculator
bill = float(input("Cost of meal: ")) This statement prompts the user to enter the amount of the bill of meal. The input value is taken as decimal/floating point number from user.
tip15pc = bill * 0.15 This statement calculates the cost of tipping at 15%
tip20pc = bill * 0.20 This statement calculates the cost of tipping at 20%
tip25pc = bill * 0.25 This statement calculates the cost of tipping at 25%
print("\\15%") This statement prints the message 15%
print("Tip amount: %.2f"% (tip15pc)) this statement displays the amount of tip at 15% and the value is displayed up to 2 decimal places as specified by %.2f
print("Total amount: %.2f \\" % (bill + tip15pc)) This statement prints the total amount by adding the cost of mean with the 15% tip amount.
The program further computes the the amount of tip at 20% and 25%. The resultant values are displayed up to 2 decimal places as specified by %.2f Then the program prints the total amount by adding the cost of mean with the 20% and 25% tip amounts just as computed for the 15% tip.
The screenshot of the program as well as its output is attached.