Answer: I just took the test and the correct answers are:
1. Possible Answers:
-Insistence on largest amount of personal freedom from government interference
-Support for the idea of popular sovereignty
-An argument for the need of a fair criminal process
-Nations engaged in revolution during this period insisted on writing new constitutions to clarify the rights held by citizens and powers held by government.
2. Olympe de Gouges gained fame as a journalist, actress, and playwright, which she used her influence to promote women’s rights. Specifically, de Gouges appealed to Queen Marie Antoinette to advance women’s rights and published The Declaration of Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen.
3. The Enlightenment differed from religious ideas because the Enlightenment focused upon scientific advances and rational analysis. The Enlightenment was based upon “reason,” not religious beliefs, to explain scientific phenomena and other areas of study, such as human behavior and politics. The Enlightenment also called for religious freedom, versus earlier persecution of religious minorities.
4. The British had colonies in North America, which the colonists were taxed heavily due to the heavy costs of the previous wars, such as the Seven Years’ War. The Sugar Act (1764), Stamp Act (1765), Townshend Act (1767), and the Tea Act (1773) were some of the major taxes the British placed upon the colonists. Also, the Quartering Act (1765) required colonists to provide housing and accommodations for British troops. Conflict arose from the heavy taxes. Colonists argued they should only be paying taxes if they had the right to be represented in British parliament, stating, “no taxation without representation.” Colonists created the Continental Congress and the Revolutionary War begun with the battle at Lexington.
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