The ratio given is part to part. The total number of parts in the whole is 1 + 3 = 4.
Step-by-step explanation:
I like to call the numbers in the ratio 1 : 3 "ratio units".
That is, the short length is 1 ratio unit long, and the longer length is 3 ratio units long. The total (whole) length is 1+3 = 4 ratio units long. Then the short length (1 ratio unit) is 1/4 of the whole length (4 ratio units).
Coment on the answer wording
I think you need to be careful with terminology. The word "part" has a different meaning in the first answer sentence "... part to part" than it does in the second answer sentence "... parts in the whole ...".
In the first sentence, it refers to "a piece of the line, no matter its length." In the second sentence, it refers to "that length of the line represented by 1 in the ratio."